Life at the beach

Monday, May 19, 2008


From John:

I was able to go to another bible study where there was some more new people. As I said before they are looking for a house to rent to start a church.

Today, Sunday, I went with a couple with whom Isabel and I have shared the Lord with many times. They invited me to a church about 30 minutes from our condo. The church had 12 people in attendance with 2 hours of singing and clapping and praying and about 30 minutes of preaching. This couple doesn't know the Lord and the wife attends the Catholic mass in the town where we have our ministry. They went to the church because a co-worker asked them. As I stood and listened to everyone pray at the same time and shouting and singing, I wondered what this couple would feel about the service.

After the service, I thanked them for bringing me and they asked if Isabel would like to come on our next visit. I shared my testimony once again and my prayer is that Randall and Arleth will come to know the Savior.

I leave our condo at 3:00 a.m. on Tuesday. Please pray for my travel. I want to come home, but my heart is here with Randall and Arleth until they and others come into the kingdom.

Que Dios les bendiga,


Monday, May 12, 2008

John's Adventures

John is back at the beach! Here's what he wrote:

Praise the Lord I was able to get through inspection with 30 Bibles, and 400 pieces of Christian literature. I attended the Bible study on Thursday and found out that they are already starting another Bible study in another house and taking offering to rent a house in the town to start a church.

On Friday and Saturday I visited about 50 homes with two female missionaries who work for Christ for the City. They wanted to invite the women to a talk on self esteem. They had about 17 women and I was the baby sitter for the kids. We played soccer in the rain, and ate candy.

After the talk was over at the public school the priest came and started setting up chairs for the mass. Some of the same ladies who heard the truth for 2 hours went to the mass and I stood outside with some of the men who didn't wan to go to the mass.

The ladies in the talk on self esteem filled out papers with their name and prayer requests and almost all of them put down they wanted a church. The church they need is the one that give them hope and the gift of eternal life. Please pray for this.
