Life at the beach

Sunday, June 09, 2013


Hello, Friends!

As usual, we get busy during weekends. I shared at church Thursday night. I was feeling run down, but I found a can of Campbell's chicken soup, added some left over vegetables that I had in the refrigerator, and had a great dinner. I felt a lot better and was able to speak, but there were two little boys visiting who spoke at the top of their voices throughout the entire evening, prayer, singing, Bible reading and sharing. They never stopped. Mom would answer their questions once in a while, also at the top of her voice. It was very distracting! But these are unchurched people who need to know the Lord, and we were happy to see them there. Children are dismissed for Sunday School on Sundays, but there is no child care any other time. One couple came from the other church with a spacial request for us. She has some health problem, but the medication that she needs is not available here. She is asking me to try to get it in the US. I told her that I would need the prescription, but I am not sure that I can get it even with that. Do any of you know somebody involved with Doctors Without Borders or some similar program who could help us? Thursday both churches are having a fast to pray for healing. Her name is Esmilsa. She and her husband are leaders in the second church.

Lola's at the beach
 Friday we went out to Lola's, the restaurant right on the sand, named after a pig, with a couple from the South who also own a condo here and who are Christians. They were leaving Saturday, so this was a good-bye lunch. Surf was up! It was beautiful. We are going to have John's birthday party there Saturday with the couples. While we were having lunch, we got a call from Bianka to let us know that she had passed her oral tests. She now has a degree in nursing! We had been praying for peace and grace, and the Lord heard our prayers.  I managed to take a nap before we went out to dinner with a couple who attends the Bible study on Saturdays, Fabian and Alejandra. They are young, living together, and deeply rooted in the religion of this culture. Yet, they keep coming to the Bible study and we value their friendship. They are younger than our own boys, but like to hang out with us. We went to our favorite typical restaurant not too far from here.

Lola the pig - she is actually Lola II

Saturday we walked on the beach in the morning, and I spent the entire afternoon making enchiladas for 30 people. I was missing some ingredients, but I improvised. They are not familiar with Mexican food, so they can't tell the difference. :) I had guacamole, sour cream, chips, mild salsa and salad. I had to show them that they could put sour cream and guacamole on the enchiladas. I also baked two cakes for dessert. Last Saturday we asked them to read the first seven psalms, one each day, and write down questions and comments. This is all in the context of knowing God better. I was feeling run down all week and also had a lot of cooking to do, so I really was not as well prepared as I wanted, but John and Sergio took up the leading. Sergio was very good. He definitely has the gift of preaching. Luis and Randall had great comments and insights. Even Alejandra talked about one of the psalms! After dinner and Bible study, we had a game and dessert. We left at about 11:00 pm. It is also good to see friendships growing among the couples. They are beginning to be a group.

I neglected to mentioned that we had a triathlon here in the hacienda. Saturday they had one for beginners, I supposed, but today, Sunday was the main event. There were over 500 people here. We were rerouted out of our condo. It took us 30 minutes to get to church where it takes us 15 min. normally. They started before dawn with a swim, then the bicycle race, right when we were leaving for church, and finally the marathon. We had a long morning at church, so they were gone by the time we got back.

We took Paola to church today because her husband had to work. She wanted to walk to church, but I told her that she must take care of herself, even if she feels better. John shared in one church and I in the other. After the second service, we had a soccer game between the boys and the girls. I wished I had taken my camera! It was so much fun. Kids of all ages were playing, the girls were barefooted because most of them don't play soccer, so they don't have soccer shoes. It was one in the afternoon and very hot! The boys won, of course, 3 to 1. We had nine in our car coming back to our town. John stopped at the local "7/11" and bought ice cream for everybody. Then we dropped everybody off at their home and came home. I am feeling much better today, by the way. I think I am over whatever-it-was.


  • for the changes we are seeing in so many people's lives
  • for Bianka's passing her oral test
  • for Yirardi´s health - it is a joy to see him participate in the games on Saturdays
  • for Paola's continue recover from surgery
  • Yirardi has another follow-up appointment on Tuesday. This one is with his surgeon. Pray for a good report
  • Paola had to have her sutures out early because one was infecting. Pray that she heals completely
  • Pray for Esmilsa, that we might be able to help her, that the Lord will heal her.
  • Continue to pray for good health and wisdom for both of us
  • Continue to pray for good health for my mother
  • Pray for all the repairs in the condo and the car - nothing has been done yet
Until next time...from the beach...


At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Amiga,
So glad that you are feeling better! I can't believe all the cooking you are wonder why John wants to stay cook!

Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks!


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