Life at the beach

Monday, February 25, 2013

Valentine's party
I have not written much lately because we have been very busy. The Lord has been so good! The Valentine's party for the couples went very well. We asked a local believer, Sergio, who is newly married, to share about love. He spoke about Jacob and Rachel, saying that he, Sergio, could only truly love his wife because he first loved the Lord. People were so impressed by his words. The Lord is using Sergio and his wife to reach out to seekers and new believers. They are holding Bible studies four days a week at Francisco's house.

Sergio and Bianca, pray for their ministry

This week three men from the States are here putting the roof on the Cebadilla's church. They were all born in the US, but their parents are from Latin countries, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Honduras. They are all in the construction business back home. One of them donated the materials for the church. That is why the church is going up so fast. Another of the men is a welder. He is welding the beams for the roof. They are going to hoist those beams by hand! They want to have the roof in place before Friday. Jose, the leader, told us that the first thing they did was to measure the walls with a laser to make sure that they were straight. They were amazed at how perfect the walls are because they were built with level and string, no other fancy tools. Last night we had the Sunday worship service in the open air, next to the church. The third man in the group brought the message about being holy. There were about 60 people in attendance. We took Francisco and Luz and their family plus two other older kids who were there, with us, a total of 11 in our SUV. We had to use the four-wheel drive to cross the creek, even though is the dry season, the car was very heavy to climb out of the creek.

The wedding plans are taking shape. Now the women in the couples' Bible study want to be part of the wedding. It is such a blessing to see their excitement. Luz keeps telling them that it will be a Christian wedding in the new church, but they all seem to be willing to participate. I think it will be a great testimony for all. As you know, they have set the date for May 18th, our next trip here. Saturday night, at Sergio's suggestion, they wrote questions for us to answer next Saturday, our last meeting. They had a lot of good questions. It is obvious that they have been thinking about serious subject matters. We have the material that Dennis and Marsha used when they were here, so we can use it to answer the questions about family relationships, but there were other Bible questions as well. We could answer all except three that we emailed to Dennis. (Help, Dennis!) Hopefully, he will be able to get back to us before Saturday. We actually spent the whole afternoon yesterday first praying over the questions and then searching the Bible for answers. We have never spent so much time together on the Word, so that in itself is a real blessing. Tomorrow we are meeting with Sergio and Bianca for lunch and to go over the questions.

Sunday morning our neighbors here, their two children and the in-laws who were visiting, attended the church service in our little church. John was preaching because the pastor was busy with the group from the States. John spoke on Job. It is also such a blessing to have Christian neighbors with whom to share.

Our time here draws to a close. It is always bitter sweet for us. We are glad to get back to our family and friends, but it is hard to leave our local friends.

I will post pictures of the Cebadilla church next time. Until then...from the beach...


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