This is our last weekend here. Although John was ill for the first two weeks and has struggled with asthma most of the time, this has been one of the best times here by far. We have seen multiple blessings of the Lord. We had our last meeting with the couples last night. We usually meet on Saturdays, but Yirardi, the little boy with cancer had to return to the capital for treatments this weekend. When the doctor told him last Monday that he had to be back Friday but, he told the doctor that he had a very important event to attend this weekend. The doctor said that since obviously there was something very important to him going on, they could be back today, Saturday. I was astounded when I heard this. The boy comes with his parents and even reads from the Bible, but I never knew that he felt
part of the group. He is actually paying attention! That is an added blessing to us, besides the fact that he is cancer-free at the moment, and the doctors are very encouraged. He is a very bright boy, used to being around adults because he is an only child. Therefore, Luis Carlos, our host, contacted everybody, and they all agreed to meet yesterday. This was hard for many, including Yirardi's mother because they work late. The work day here is 12 hours, like in the Bible. One of the women actually had to ask a co-worker to cover for her in order to make it. At the end, all the regular attenders were there, 10 couples. We had a BBQ: beef and chicken that we provided, and the rest was pot-luck.We had salad (lettuce, carrots and cucumbers), hummus, tortilla chips and salsa, pico de gallo (they call it "chimichurri"), baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, rice, beans, tortillas Honduran style, cake and ice cream. I was quite a feast! As you recall, last Saturday they wrote questions on cards. I typed all the questions with Bible verses as answers. (Thank you, Dennis!!!) We knew that we were not going to be able to answer them all, but we wanted all of them to have all of the questions and answers so that they can read the Bible at home. We really got into a good discussion about living together because a few of them are. They really want to justify it, but John told him that they cannot pick and choose which parts of the Bible they believe. They have to believe the whole thing. One of the men thought that it was worse to get married and get divorced than to live together. We told him that it is the same. Sin is sin. There are no degrees of sin. We were able to discuss 5 questions only. By that time, it was 9:40 pm and Yirardi and his family had to get up at 3:00 am today. We had our cake and ice cream and skipped the game that we usually have. We gave Yirardi the prize for the men: a red and black Nike soccer ball!! It was Irene's birthday, so we gave her the prize for the women, a pair of earrings. By the time they all left it was about 11:00 pm. We are praying that they continue to meet under Sergio and Bianca's leadership.
Francisco, Luz and family in front of the Cebadilla church |
Cebadilla church with finished roof |
Now for the new church building in Cebadilla: the three men from Florida have been working 12 hour shifts along the locals, so that the roof has been placed. What we have is four walls with tin roof and a very rough cement floor. There are no windows or doors yet, but this is such a blessing over the four poles and a roof over a dirt floor that they are ecstatic. They had the first meeting inside their new church last night. We went to the Sunday night service. I remember our first time in that town. We did an event with the clown for Christ for the City and games and crafts for the women right in the open air in the soccer field. I taught the women under a tree. Now there is a church building! I never could have imagined such a blessing!
One of the men arriving with extra chairs |
Pastor Alejandro |
Sunset from the church |
Worship team |
Our little church in Pinilla needs a lot of repairs, but the problem here is that the landlord is unwilling to pay for some, or to give us a discount on the rent. We know that the local attitude is that, since there are gringos in the church, they must be rich and need no discounts. Sergio and some of the men have decided to go ahead and do some repairs because the ceiling is falling. I almost got a shower of dust and dead bugs Thursday night as the ceiling dropped just where I had been standing a few seconds earlier. Both churches struggle with spiritual maturity, but we feel blessed with the faithfulness of a few. They are all babies in Christ.
Another blessing: our car has been running well, thanks to Bob's help and the blessing of finding honest mechanics. They actually give us money back when we give them too much for parts! What a concept. May Freddy and Paul find Christ some day! When we get back, ask John to describe a typical morning at the shop. It is a very different experience.
John and Dennis goin' fishin' |
One more blessing: our condominium was repaired inside and out. It looks great. They were working on the roof when we arrived from the States, but since they work 12 hour days, they were done by the end of the week. Our next door neighbors are also a blessing. They are a lot of fun and have attended church one Sunday with the in-laws who were visiting and on Thursdays. Right now John and Dennis are going fishing with guys from the couples Bible study, right here on our beach. John and Dennis are walking with their fishing poles over their shoulders. It is very cute.
Roof repairs |
We are so blessed to be able to participate in what the Lord is doing in this area. Patty L. said that when they were in language study in this country there were no Christian churches in the whole province. The Lord has plans for this part of the country and it is a privilege to be able to participate. As you pray for us, you are also participating in the Lord's work, and I know that you will be also blessed. Thank you for your prayers!
We are leaving very early on Tuesday morning. We have to get up at 3:00 am, but then we have a long lay over in Houston, so we will be home at the usual time. Thanks to Bob and Penny for picking us up. See you all soon!!
Until next time... from the beach...
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