We continue on our mission of encouragement. As I mentioned on the last blog, the Lord seems to direct us that way. Wednesday we had dinner and watched the sunset at the Beach Club with our friends and neighbors who live here full time. They are going through a lot of health issues. She has been going back to the Catholic church, which is puzzling to us. Anyway, they are the ones who keep us informed about what is going on at the hacienda from the owner's point of view. Things are always changing around here, whether personnel or rules. In general, we are satisfied as owners. Our condo is always well taken care of, and the staff is helpful.
Thursday we drove to a town kind of half way between where the pastor lives and works and us to have lunch with them. We spent about two hours sharing. He is very open about his vision for the work here. He considers himself a church planter; therefore, he wants to train somebody to take over the work in our little town so that he can go on to other places and start Bible studies. They also talked to us about their schedule. They are busy every night of the week, between going to seminary (both of them are going), the big church and the three towns where they minister, there is just no time for him to visit the people as expected of them. He suggested that the four of us talk to the young man who brings the music sometimes. He lives near the big church, but he has a car. Maybe he will be willing to take over the service on Thursday nights, as well as visitation. We are going to have lunch Sunday after church at the pastor's son's home, which is near the big church, and talk to this young man and his wife to see what they think. Please pray that the Lord will show us His will.
Thursday night was church. We were curious to see the result of our visits to the three families. Well, one family came. Is that a .300 batting average? It sounds good when we talk about baseball. We had given them a Thompson study Bible, and the pastor made a big deal about it. "Wow, do you know what you got? That is a treasure of knowledge!" and so on. We hope that he uses it to really study the Word every day. Last night we went out with the same young couple. Again we tried to encourage them on their Christian walk. Their little girl is the one scheduled for surgery on the 19th to correct her eyes.
Today, Saturday, we are going with non-Christian friends to the "big city" by the airport to the mall and the movies. We will treat them to McDonald's. Actually she is the sister of the young man with the Thompson study Bible. He asked us last night if we talk to them about the Lord, and we have. May the Lord use our witness to them to touch their hearts.
John is preaching tomorrow. The pastor is getting the three groups together here in our town so that John only has to preach once. I'll let you know how it goes.
Until next time...from the beach...
Wow! It is so beautiful there in Costa Rica. Sounds like God is using you and John on a one on one couples counseling. That is awesome. I will pray in regards to this other man and his wife that God will make it clear to them to take on more responsibility or not. How was John's preaching today? I know people were blessed. Love you both, Penny Nielsen
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