Life at the beach

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Second Week

For those who have been here, this is Lola II

I have been struggling with my health all week. I even had a temperature of 102° one night. I wasn't feeling any better by Friday; therefore, we went back to the doctor's. He prescribed three different medications, but I just don't think they are strong enough. To be sure, I would have gotten a prescription of cough medicine with codeine, but they don't seem to have that here. I think we could buy better cough medicine over the counter in the US. He told me that if I wasn't better by Monday or Tuesday, he was going to order blood work. Well, that did it! I'm not going back.

One of the ladies here made cough syrup for me with honey, lemon and ginger root. It is very strong, but it seems to help. I have been coughing less and sleeping better. Another lady made a whole pot of chicken soup with all kinds of vegetables. That gave me strength. So, it seems that the folks here know how to take care of this better than the doctor.

I couldn't go the the couples meeting on Saturday, but John went. It was disappointing. Only three couples showed up. What made matters worse was that they waited until the last minute to let us know that they were not going, and we had already bought meat for the BBQ for everybody. We are not going to have a meeting this Saturday. I am still weak, and we need to regroup. We have to find out from the couples if they still want to meet. We have not had any individual bible studies, either. It is like we are in a holding pattern.

I was reading Warren Wiersbe's commentary on Exodus. He says: "God doesn't solve every problem immediately, nor does He follow your schedule. When you think you have failed, even when you have obeyed God's will, ponder Is 55:8-9 and Jeremiah 29:11." I needed to hear that. We were considering going home early, but have decided to stay, ride this out, and find out what the Lord has in store for us and this town.

Prayer requests:

  • Pray for healing and strength
  • Pray for the couples to really commit to the Lord
  • Pray for protection for our family back home
  • Pray for wisdom and discernment

Until next time...from the beach...


At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for your health...
Please Lord
Pastor Dennis


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