Faith and Fires
Our faith was tested last week. As many of you know because you lived it, there were nine fires around Escondido. We found out late Wednesday afternoon because we had been busy running errands, etc. Even as I was writing our first blog, some of you were trying to get hold of us. There was a notification from the Sheriff department in our email about the need to evacuate.We talked to our neighbor who offered to go to our house and get some things out for us, but, how do you explain where important things are? I just told them to get our wedding album from the garage because it was easy to find. He did that, made sure that our house was secured and evacuated. I was teaching in church Thursday night; therefore, I had to concentrate and prepare. I kept thinking that if I really believe what I say I believe, then I had to trust God with the outcome, whatever that might be. The fire was in the local news here, so everybody knew about it. Many prayed for us. I just used our situation as an example of how we need to trust the Lord. We kept in touch with our neighbor, and finally we got an email from the Sheriff notifying us that it was safe to return home. Soon we heard from our neighbor that he was back and had checked our house. All was well. I thank the Lord for the firefighters, our good neighbors and for His protection.
John preached on Sunday in just one church, and he did and excellent job. He really spoke from the heart. The couples Bible study took place Sunday night. We were missing a few couples; for example, Francisco and Luz, the couple who got married last year because she went to Honduras to visit her parents. We see some backsliding there. Pray for them. Randall and Arleth, the parents of the boy with cancer, could not go because Yirardi, their son, came down with chickenpox. First Randall had it, then he got it. I am sure Arleth will get it also. Yirardi seems to be doing well with the illness. They rushed him to the doctor as soon as it started to show, but everything seems to be normal. I was disappointed that they could not be there since we are studying the Beatitudes, which is a very difficult subject, because Randall requested it last time. Another couple who are Christian also, did not go. They have a stormy marriage, and I suspect that there is trouble. They were in church Sunday morning, but they told us that they would not be attending Sunday night. Nevertheless, we had two new couples. They are Catholic, but participated in the discussion and seemed to enjoy the whole thing. We always have a game at the end and one of the new couples won. I was glad about that!
We got a new computer here with Windows 8, and I had been having a lot of issues with it. (Sonny, I need you! For instance, I couldn't find Office to open a new document. It is there because I could open old files. That was not the main problem, however. It kept telling me that I had no space in the hard disc, which is impossible, and on and on!) I do not like Windows 8! Well,Windows 8 crashed! Our friend who sold us the computer came all the way from the capital, just to see what was wrong. He probably thought that I did not know what I was talking about because he said that Windows 8 is very stable. He should have reinstalled Windows 8, but he tried other things, and it crashed. He had to take it with him back to his shop because it is under warranty. The problem is that he is leaving for Bolivia this Saturday. He plans to fix it before he leaves and send it with our mutual friend who is coming on June 8th with the group from Omaha. How am I writing this? I have my faithful pink ACER which I decided to bring at the last minute because I was afraid that the new one would crash, since we were having all those problems before we left last time.
Our expats friends here are having serious health problems and are selling their condo to go back to the States. Medicare does not cover outside the US, and they might lose their international cover on their own insurance due to Obamacare. She is having serious heart problems. Actually her brother just passed away last year from the same disease. Please pray for them.
Our mechanic took the car to the DMV Tuesday for the annual check, but it needed some repairs, so he kept it, fixed it and took it back yesterday. It passed, and we finally got our car back yesterday afternoon. We tried to impress upon him the need to check the car BEFORE he takes it, but it is not the local way. He and his cousin are great guys and we are thankful to have found them.
Prayer requests:
- Pray for Francisco and Luz, that Luz gets back from Honduras (by bus) safely Protection for her oldest daughter who is being tempted by a man who is not a Christian and who is openly saying that he just wants to have her. Mary, their other daughter, is also backsliding. Well, they all are. Pray for the whole family.
- Pray for Gardy and Paola, Christians, for a better testimony in the town.
- Pray for Yirardi, that he will get over the chickenpox soon, without any complications.
- Pray for the couples Bible study, both new and old participants. Pray for lives being changed by His grace.
- Pray for Jerre and Mary, our friends here, dealing with health and financial issues.
- We praise the Lord for His protection during the fires!
- Pray for wisdom as we try to minister to all these people.
Thank you for your prayer support! Until next time...from the beach!
Isabel, As always. Thank you for sharing. We'll continue to pray for you guys and how the Lord continues to work through you. So very sorry to hear about your tech problems. I'll tell you, technology. What a headache (at times) that is tough to live without ...
So true!
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