Life at the beach

Monday, August 22, 2011


We have had a good weekend of ministry. Saturday night was the first couples' meeting. One of the girls suggested that we buy the pizza from a place a little closer to our town because they would deliver, since Pizza Hut refused to deliver here any more. She even went and got us a menu. I called the place on Friday and ordered three large pizzas delivered to our little town. I told them that we would wait for them by the soccer field. I am still not very good at giving directions, local style, without street names and numbers. We agreed to a 6:00 pm delivery. Saturday at about 5:00, John asked me to call them again, just to make sure. The girl who answered the phone said that they did not know anything about the order and that the owner was not there because he was having car troubles, a common occurrence here, as you know from our own experience. I asked her to call the owner and call me back. She called right back and said that yes, they would deliver.

We packed out car with screen, projector, DVD player, sound equipment, sodas, paper plates and napkins, prizes for the bingo game, movie, etc. On our way, we stopped to pick up one couple and got the keys to Christ for the City house from another. It was 6:00 sharp when we arrived at the soccer field, of course, no pizza man. We waited for a few minutes and decided that John and our friend would go to open the house while the girl and I waited in the dark for the pizza man. It is safe in town, besides, there were a group of young people in the community hall (where we use to have events) practicing folk dances for Independence Day next month. All kinds of acquaintances from town stopped by to say hi to either or both of us. The kids from our initial English Club are always very friendly towards us. They are teen-agers now and were the ones practicing.

John went to the house, unloaded and came back, but no pizza yet. We called back to the restaurant, and they told us he was on his way. The pizza was finally delivered, so we went back to the house. By that time, everybody was there waiting, and they had managed to hang the screen from the rafters. We thanked the Lord for the food and ate immediately because the pizza was already cold. There were two new couples in the group. One of the guys, Francisco, attends church faithfully every Sunday with his three kids, but his live-in girlfriend, the mother of the children, never attends. He really wants her to accept the Lord because he wants to get married in the church. His children also attend the Kid´s Club on Wednesdays at Christ for the City´s house (the same house we are using for these meetings). He brought another couple with them, his neighbors. The movie this time was "The Climb" by the Billy Graham organization. It was an excellent movie. The men specially were touched by it. We will meet again this Saturday to talk about the movie.We feel that it was a very good meeting.

Sunday John preached to both groups. He talked about Elijah and how he was a man just like us (James 5:17-18). Francisco showed up to church with his three kids, his neighbor and another man. They filled the back row! But none of the women came. He has asked us to go visit them this afternoon. We are planning to go at about 5:00 pm today. I am going to read the parable of the prodigal son because I can tie it to the movie and bring just a short devotional. Pray for this family. We asked for your prayers about crossing the creek to travel to the other church. Well, your prayers were answered, but not the way we expected: we did not cross the creek at all. The pastor asked us on the way there to go the long way around to pick up some people from the third town who attend there on Sundays. It turned our that two of the ladies couldn´t go because they had to work, but they sent their tithes with us (such a humbling experience for us!). Nevertheless, we brought a young man and a single mother with her two little daughters whom we found on their way to church. Now, this is the group that meets under a corrugated roof and four poles, no walls. Yesterday, as John was preaching, I was looking at the monkeys on the trees behind him. (Hey, Pastor D, remember when you were preaching in San José over the din of the cicadas, or maybe you thought it was the traffic outside as I did at the beginning?? Well, this time we had real monkeys, but John did not even notice them because they were behind him.) This group is really going strong. They are starting to set money aside to send to their organization missionary fund, another fund to help out people in need, whether they come to church or not, another fund to have an end of the year party for the children who attend faithfully, and they are starting to look at a parcel of land that they might buy to build a church. We have had nothing to do with the formation of this group, except that they first attended the church in our little town. The pastor told us not to try to cross the creek on the way back because it was high, and the slope going back was too slippery.

The cabinet maker, Giovanni, whom I mentioned back in January, is making some furniture for us. The church actually meets in his property. He told us that the bench we ordered for our front porch was ready. It is made out of solid wood and weights a lot. John, Giovanni, and another guy who was still there after church were able to put it in our SUV, but going through the creek was out of the question, in fact, we got stuck in the mud just trying to leave Giovanni's yard! But we have four-wheel drive. So, we went around the long way again. John had to ask a security guard here and another worker to help unload the beast.

New bench

 Last night we went to Kassandra's house for dinner, along with the pastor and his wife. Kassandra's parents don´t attend church, but she is the most faithful of the little groups here in town. At fifteen, she has the keys to the church, opens it early and cleans it before every meeting. This involves sweeping and washing the floor every time with a hose and dusting all the chairs. It is very dusty in the town, even now during rainy season. Her parents and her younger brother are very nice people. They actually have much better reputation in town than some of the Christians. Her mother's name is Sinai, so I asked her if she came from a Christian family as her name is from the Bible. She said that her grandmother was a believer and that they all have biblical names. Interesting! We had a great meal. I don´t know why ministering involves so much eating for us. I already put on five extra pounds in Florida, and can´t shake them, no matter how much walking I do every day. The pastor had some nice words for them, saying that they were still enjoying the blessings that have come down from a Christian grandmother, and we had a time of prayer also, praying specifically for their salvation. We invited them to come to the couples' meeting next Saturday.

Today is Monday. John is out golfing. We don´t want you to think that it is all ministry around here, but this afternoon we will go to Francisco's house, Lord willing. I will blog about it tomorrow.

Until then...from the beach...


At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Juan Y Isabel!

Me gusta el banco de madera!! Es muy grande!

Te extraño mucho!

Tu Amiga, Rubia

At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Isabel,
I can almost hear the monkeys in the background as John was preachiing..."Preach it brother!"
Sounds as if the Lord continues to use you to advance His kingdom work wherever you go.
I pray that there was some fruit last night in your visit.
Warmest greetings to your gringo husband from me.


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