Life at the beach

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Meeting New Friends

Last night we went to a restaurant to meet a possible collaborator. This is a pastor and his wife who was recommended through a contact in the capital. He and his wife went to the outreach on Saturday and met some of the people in town, but we did not have a chance to talk. So, last night we met at a restaurant near his church. It is located in a town not far from here.

We met him and his family. He brought his wife and his three children. They are 15, 12 and 7, a very nice family. We went with our friends from the capital who help us here. They also have three children, but they are 24, 20 and 15. The young people had a great time together. Anyway, we liked what the pastor said. He has a few cells in nearby towns. His method is to start with one family with a very low key Bible study, very slowly. "Poco a poco (One step at the time.)" he said. It is important to make friends first. That is exactly what we have in mind. The wife told us that about three years ago somebody tried to take an evangelical campaign to "our" town, and they got stones thrown at them. We, on the other hand, have been taken into town by residents and had nothing but friendly receptions. It is a reminder that the Enemy is alive and well, but that the Lord is with us.

The pastor and his wife had to leave early, but their children had not finished dinner; so, they left them with us! John and our friend took them to their church later, and that way we now know where the church is. It is a rather large, well stablished church.

From left to right: Our friend from the capital, the pastor and his wife, and our friend's wife. We are looking forward to working with them!


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